About Tarek

A Palestinian born researcher based in Jerusalem who was moved by the nostalgia and emotion still held by many displaced Palestinians for their former homes and villages. After graduating from Al-Ahliyya University in Jordan as a Computer Engineer, he developed the idea of documenting these personal stories and the displaced Palestinian villages through a personal initiative of visual documentation and thus his 12-year ongoing project of “We Were and Still Are... Here” was launched.

He is the recipient of the 2018 Jerusalem Award for Culture and Creativity and has held several exhibitions and seminars in Palestine, the Arab World, and Europe.

It is worth mentioning that Tarek does not belong to; or work under any institution nor receive any supportive funds for his personal efforts. He believes that what he does is not an act, but a national and human duty.
He believes that memory is an undeniable human right and that memory is identity.